مغرب کی تصدیق وحی و نبوت محمدیﷺ ارتقائی استشراقی نظریات کا نتیجہ --------------------------------------------------------------------West's Affirmation of Divine Revelation and Prophethood: Consequence of Evolutionary Orientalist Thought

  • صائمہ منج Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodhah.
  • محمد شہباز منج Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodhah.


In their scholarships on the life and role of the Prophet of Islam, western scholars of Islam have commonly discussed his revelation and prophethood. The present article studies different western theories on the subject. It finds that west has adopted diverse concepts on the theme in different ages. They have been saying that Muhammad had the pigeon who is trained to pick peas from his ear, he was epileptic, he was sincere but incorrect in his belief that Allah had sent His revelation to him, etc. However, all these theories were intensely rejected by the west itself. A valuable number of thoughtful scholars have recently acknowledged the fact that Mu╒ammad was a prophet and inspired by Allah Almighty, however, they assert that he was only the prophet of the ‘Arabs. It is the common perception of so many modern day prominent western scholars like Montgomery Watt, Karen Armstrong, Carl Ernst etc. This shows that western theories on the subject are evolutionary and have been subject to change. Latest theory is also strongly opposed by the western scholars. On behalf of the study and analysis of these theories we can derive the inference that western scholars, in future, In sha Allah will acknowledge the universality of the prophet of Islam as well.

Author Biographies

صائمہ منج, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodhah.
Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodhah.
محمد شہباز منج, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodhah.
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodhah.
How to Cite
منجص., & منجم. ش. (2017). مغرب کی تصدیق وحی و نبوت محمدیﷺ ارتقائی استشراقی نظریات کا نتیجہ --------------------------------------------------------------------West’s Affirmation of Divine Revelation and Prophethood: Consequence of Evolutionary Orientalist Thought. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 54(4). Retrieved from http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/article/view/124
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