ازروئے شرع اشیاء پر حصول قبضہ کی صورتیں

Modern Forms of Possession of Goods in the Light of the Sharī‘ah

  • Muhammad Ishaq Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Karachi, Karachi.
Keywords: Forms of Ownership of Goods according to Shari'ah


In the modern world, science and technology have revolutionized every aspect of human life including trade transactions and commercial procedures. Individual possession of goods is of paramount importance in commercial affairs, and all the injunctions of the Sharī‘ah that relate to commercial affairs depend on it. In this age, the buyer and seller are sometimes many miles apart, yet the buying and selling of goods is done without even physical inspection. Moreover, sometimes the goods are further sold before the first buyer gets the possession of these goods. This article attempts to examine these modern cases of commercial transactions and the related issues in the light of Islamic law.

How to Cite
Muhammad Ishaq. (2020). ازروئے شرع اشیاء پر حصول قبضہ کی صورتیں: Modern Forms of Possession of Goods in the Light of the Sharī‘ah. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 58(1), 109-125. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v58i1.1142
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