اشیاے ضرورت کی قیمتوں اور اجرتوں کے تعین میں طلب و رسد کا کردار اور حکومتی مداخلت کی شرعی حدود ............................................ The Role of Demand and Supply in the Determination of the Prices and Legal Boundaries of Governmental Interference

  • منظور احمد Federal Urdu University, Karachi.


The government interferes in various aspects of the social order for the sake of common good. Control and fixation of market prices is one of these policies The fixation of market prices is called tas‘ir in Arabic. There are differences of opinion about the legitimacy of tas‘ir. According to one opinion it is not lawful for the government to interfere in the fixation of prices while the second opinion holds that it is quite legitimate. Another opinion tends to course a moderate way between the previous two opinions, holding that if the  tas‘ir results in the exploitation of the people then it will be unlawful and if its object is to prevent people from tyranny and unjust actions then it will be lawful. This article analyzes these opinions in detail with a critical appraisal of respective arguments and concludes that the third opinion is the best compatible with the spirit and objectives of Shariah.

Author Biography

منظور احمد, Federal Urdu University, Karachi.
Ph.d Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies.
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