چینی مسلم خواتین کی دینی تعلیم و تربیت: معھد الدراسات الاسلامیہ للبنات کے حوالے سے ایک خصوصی مطالعہ

Religious Education of Chinese Muslim Women: A Study with Special Focus on Ma‘had al-Dirāsāt al-Islāmiyyah li ’l-Banāt

  • Ayesha Qurrat ul Ain Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Religion, Faculty of Islamic Studies (Usuluddin), International Islamic University, Islamabad.
  • Maryam Suleman MaYueXiang Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies (Usuluddin), International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Keywords: Chinese Muslim women, religious education, Hui Muslims, Islamic education


This paper investigates the kind and extent of contribution of Hui Muslim women to the propagation of Islamic teachings and revival of Islamic education in China. It aims to explore the role that women led-educational institutes played in placing Muslim youth at a continuum between Chinese and Islamic educational spheres. The research employs ethnographic methodologies including participant observation and extensive interviewing and relies upon the archival data for the historical contextualization of the observed facts. It concludes that Islamic educational system in general, and the active passionate participation of Muslim women in it in particular, played a crucial role in the survival of Islamic faith and knowledge in the Chinese land and helped its adherents to connect with the mainstream Muslim world, transcending regional and cultural boundaries.

How to Cite
Qurrat ul Ain, A., & MaYueXiang, M. S. (2021). چینی مسلم خواتین کی دینی تعلیم و تربیت: معھد الدراسات الاسلامیہ للبنات کے حوالے سے ایک خصوصی مطالعہ : Religious Education of Chinese Muslim Women: A Study with Special Focus on Ma‘had al-Dirāsāt al-Islāmiyyah li ’l-Banāt. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 58(3), 165-184. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v58i3.1053
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