Peer Review Policy
The primary objective of the Islamabad Law Review editorial review process is to ensure that each submitted manuscript is evaluated rigorously, equitably, and in accordance with criteria that are appropriate for its source discipline, perspective, and method. Once a manuscript is submitted, the authors receive an acknowledgment from the Journal. Initially, the manuscript is desk reviewed by the editorial team and then the manuscript is approved for sending to at least two national and international reviewers.
The future of Islamabad Law Review depends on a careful selection of reviewers, who consistently approach their volunteer duties in a wise, generous, respectful, helpful, and inspiring manner. A quality review requires a positive and scholarly attitude and a rigorous and punctual evaluation of the manuscript. The best reviews are careful, conducted without paradigmatic or other bias, clear, detailed, kind, and timely.
The following specific approaches are expected from our reviewers while crafting their reviews of the submitted articles in Islamabad Law Review:
- To strive to be impartial. If the reviewer cannot separate the evaluation process from a desire to advocate a particular theory or philosophical perspective, then the reviewer should recuse himself.
- To be polite and discerning, while giving recommendations/comments. Phrases such as “fatal flaws” or “serious mistakes” might instead be offered as “substantial concerns” or “major issues.”
- To make suggestions for improvement in the most precise manner possible; it will raise the likelihood that the authors will understand, appreciate, and utilize those ideas.
- The title and the abstract as well as all assumptions, assertions, analyses, and implications should be considered in detail.
- If a reviewer is competent to evaluate only a particular aspect of a paper, then the reviewer would indicate such in a confidential summary to the Editor or Sub-Editor.
- The strengths as well as the weaknesses of the manuscript should be considered by the reviewer in sufficient detail to support recommendations to the Editor and Associate Editor. For instance, when referring to previous research, always provide a complete citation.
Guidelines for Reviewers:
Each manuscript will be evaluated on the basis of the following aspects:
- Does the title represent the aims and conclusions?
- Is the title accurate?
- Are the contents of the manuscript relevant?
- Is the manuscript accurate, and are the sections the right length?
- Is the manuscript concise?
- Are the aims clear, and does the research address the aims?
- Are the tables and references relevant?
- Is the work original?
- Literary quality, writing style, and language.
- Use of footnotes and the relevance of the footnotes.
- Quality and depth of scholarship.
Islamabad Law Review uses a double-blind peer review process, meaning that authors and reviewers are never informed of the other’s identities. Reviewers might be aware of an author’s identity, for example, as the result of prior presentations of the research. While such knowledge is unavoidable and not in itself a reason to dismiss a reviewer. The reviewer should inform the Islamabad Law Review office immediately if there appears a conflict of interest. Likewise, reviewer should never allude to his identity in any manner in their reviews. As a matter of confidentiality, it is also a violation of the authors’ right to privacy to discuss an Islamabad Law Review manuscript with anyone else.
A quality review is submitted on or before the due date. Authors are usually concerned that papers are processed as quickly as possible, which means that reviewers must be requested to be prompt in returning their report. If reviewers are unable to meet the deadline, or feel unable to referee the manuscript they may decline the editor’s invitation.
The whole review process period can last between 4-8 weeks approx. and during this period, the author has reserved a right to contact the editor to ask about the status of the review. Once the review process has been completed, the author will be informed about the status of the manuscript which could either be (i) Rejection (ii) Revision and Resubmission, or (iii) Acceptance. In the event of rejection, the Author reserves the right to publish the article elsewhere.
For further details about the Publication Policy of Islamabad Law Review and Instructions for Authors, please follow the link