انسانی اعضا كی پیوندكاری: رائج الوقت قوانین،اسلامی نظریاتی كونسل اور معاصر فقہی اداروں كی سفارشات كا تقابلی جائزہ

  • Ghulam Dastgeer Shaheen Das Council of Islamic Ideology Islamabad
  • Abdul Rashid Council of Islamic Ideology Islamabad


This paper discusses the issues related to transplantation. In the beginning it gives the meaning and various kinds of transplantation, then, presents the views of several religious scholaers. Thereafter, the paper sheds light on the Fatwā issued by Islamic Fiqh Academy, Jeddah and evaluated it critically. Somilarly, it discusses the views forwarded by the Fiqh Acadmey, Idnia. After having been discussed the issue in the light of certain international institutions, the paper talks about it in the light of recomndations given by the Counicl of Islamic Idealog, Pakistan inalitically as well as critically. The last portion of this paper has been devoted to discuss the current law of Pakistan in this regard.

Research paper