Current Issue

The Current Issue of ILR comprises five peer-reviewed articles and one book review.
Full Issue
Book Review
Home /About the Journal
The Islamabad Law Review (ISSN 1992-5018) is resuming publication to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between the bench, the bar and the faculty on legal developments and legal reform in Pakistan. Peer-reviewed research publications are indispensable for the enhancement of knowledge and understanding of current legal issues, as well as for the professional development of a large number of law teachers and other legal scholars. Previously, in Pakistan, there was hardly any outlet for this need. Consequently, most legal research was published in common periodicals and newspapers, without much regard for the ethics and style of juristic and academic research. The Islamabad Law Review endeavors to fill that void to the best of the ability of its team and with the support of legal researchers and academicians from all over Pakistan, and hopefully, abroad.
Mission of Islamabad Law Review
The Islamabad Law Review has both a professional and an educational mission. It is designed to serve the legal profession, the bench, the bar and the academia by providing a forum for the publication of original high quality legal research. The ILR also seeks to improve the law and its administration by providing a forum that identifies contemporary issues, proposes concrete means to accomplish change, and evaluates the impact of law reform, especially within the context of Islamic Law.
Focus and Scope
We welcome research on a diversified range of legal topics. Our institutional background means that we always maintain a more than passing interest in various issues in relations to Islamic Law, and keeping in with the strategic mission of our Faculty, we would always welcome research on any area of Islamic Law, particularly if the research focuses on a comparative law aspect of that issue. Similarly, foreign writers are also welcomed to write on international law, comparative law, conflict of laws, jurisprudence, or any other issues that interest lawyers the world over. We hope that the members of the bench, the bar and the faculty will join us in furthering the mission of the Islamabad Law Review by contributing articles to future issues.