العمل حق أم واجب: دراسة فقهية في الأولوية والأثر

Work is right or Duty: A Jurisprudential Study on Priority and Social Impact

  • rabie laouar University of Amir Abdul Qadir, Algeria


This article addresses the rights and duties of citizens in Muslim countries concerning work, examining whether work is considered a right or a duty according to Islamic law. It explores the implications of regarding work as either a right or a duty, given its critical role in the economic, political, and social development of society and the nation. The research analyzes texts from the Quran and Sunnah, as well as the practices of Muslim citizens in the state of Madina, to determine the preferred approach when a conflict arises between the concept of work as a right and as a duty. By investigating these religious and historical sources, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance of work in Islamic jurisprudence and its impact on contemporary Muslim societies.
