بناء السدود والمشاريع المائية على الأنهار وحكمها في الشريعة الإسلامية واتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لعام 1997م (دراسة فقهية وقانونية مقارنة)
The Legal Status of Building Dams and Water Projects on Rivers in Islamic Law and the 1997 UN Convention Perspective: A Comparative Study
This article aims to explain the issue of building dams and water projects, which is an important and burning issue these days. Because water in general, and river water in particular, play a major role in human life. Moreover, the importance of river water has increased dramatically as a result of an increase in the world population and the use of water as an essential element of human development in various fields such as agriculture, industry, drinking, household, etc. Each country seeks to obtain a sufficient share of fresh water and constantly endeavours to build and construct dams and huge water projects on national and international rivers. However, this may stir up disputes between the riparian states. Having said that, this issue requires to clarify the position of Islamic law and international law particularly the 1997 United Nations Convention on the Law of Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses relating to the construction of dams and water projects on rivers, especially international rivers, find a concrete solution to this problem.
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