Difference of the Dhū ’l-Ḥāl (the Word Described by the Ḥāl-Accusative) in Terms of Nominative and Accusative Forms in the Qur’ān

  • Madiha Sadiq Lecturer, Faculty of Arabic, International Islamic University, Islamabad.


The Qur’ān is one of the most important sources of Arabic language. The present article discusses the difference of the dhū ’l-ḥāl (the word described by the ḥāl-accusative) in terms of nominative and accusative forms in the Qur’ān and highlights its semantic effects on understanding of the Qur’ān. The article contributes to this syntactic issue, shows how a single verse contains multifarious, profound, eloquent meanings.This article comprises an introduction and three sections. The introduction briefly elaborates the concepts of the ḥāl-accusative and the dhū ’l-ḥāl (the word described by the ḥāl-accusative) in Arabic language. The first section discusses difference of the dhū ’l-ḥāl when the ḥāl-accusativeis singular case. The second section refers to difference of the dhū ’l-ḥāl when the ḥāl-accusative is a sentence case. The last section highlights difference of the dhū ’l-ḥāl when the ḥāl-accusative is in semi-sentence case.


Syntactic, Semantic, dhū ’l-ḥāl, ḥāl-accusative
