شخصيات مميزة في روايات د. نجيب الكيلاني

Distinctive Characters in Dr. Najeeb Al-Kilani’s Novels

  • خنساء الجاجي محاضرة بقسم اللغة العربية جامعة بشاور، باكستان
الكلمات المفتاحية: Najeeb Al-Kilani, Novel., pesrsonalities, Arabic Literature


This research endeavors to explore the rich tapestry of characters within Najeeb Al-Kilani's novels, who are endowed with unique attributes that not only differentiate them but also reflect the author's intent and the thematic purposes they serve. These characters, crafted distinctly by Al-Kilani, share a commonality in their noteworthiness, which merits individual analysis. The study aims to dissect the particular qualities of selected characters that have warranted scholarly attention, explicating the rationale behind their selection over others. In the course of this analysis, it has been observed that the uniqueness of these characters often resonates with various human dimensions. Their distinctiveness could manifest through facets such as inherent humaneness, elements of the bizarre, displays of sharp wit, acts of extraordinary heroism, experiences of adversity, significant human impact, unique life experiences, or the embodiment of human contradictions.
