الأقوال التي ذمها الله في القرآن الكريم، دراسة في ضوء سورة الحجرات

The sayings that were condemned by Allah in the Holy Quran, a study in light of Surah Al-Hujurat.

  • حفصة غازي محاضرة زائرة، مركز الشيخ زايد الإسلامي، جامعة بنجاب، لاهور
الكلمات المفتاحية: Speech – Condemn - Love and Care - Hatred and Grudge - Muslim Society - Social Values


 The purpose of this study is to recognize speech behaviours that Allah has condemned, their damage and harmfulness to society, and the reasons behind their condemnation in the Qur'an, especially in Surah al-Hujurat. The method of this research is inductive and analytical. The impermissible sayings have been gathered from the entire Surah, divided into different types, and then a detailed discussion of each speech type has been conducted by analyzing the ayah that discusses it, explaining the Qur'an's style in censuring it, and detailing the harm it causes to society. This study refers to the great attention the Qur'an pays towards spreading love and brotherhood in Muslim society, as well as the prohibition of everything that leads to grudge, hatred, and severed ties. The study also discusses special circumstances in which Allah has allowed these sayings. This research promotes the practicality of the Qur’anic impositions and discusses the allowances within those orders. The research sheds light on the application of the rules of communication in the light of the Qur’an apropos the current era.
