حال الراوي عبد الله بن لهيعة جرحًا وتعديلا وتحقيق أمر اختلاطه

Status of Abdullah bin luhaīʿaẗ in the narration of Hadith about his uprightness, discrediting and confusion in this regard

  • فراز الحق الأستاذ المساعد، جامعة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا كراتشي باكستان
الكلمات المفتاحية: Abdullah bin luhaīʿaẗ, taʿdīl, jaraḥ, hadith, narration,


This article aims to discuss the status of a narrator of Hadith Abdullah bin luhaīʿaẗ in the light of the opinions of experts in hadith science. He is a famous hadith narrator from whom a lot of hadiths related to rulings have been narrated, in which the rulings related to legal and prohibited have been explained and the jurists have derived rules from them. while the opinions of the scholars of hadith differ about him. For this reason, scholars of hadith are confused about his reliability or not. Therefore, there was a need to research the opinions of the muḥadiṯhīn regarding him and to determine his status as a narrator of hadith, because no one had done consistent research on him before, although muḥadiṯhīn had discussed him in the books of jaraḥ and taʿdīl.
