منهج الترجمان في الرد على النصارى من خلال كتابه تحفة الاريب في الرد على الصليب

Abdullah al-tarjumān's approach to responding to Christians through his book: tuḥfaẗ al-ʾarīab fī al-rad ʿala ahl al-ṣalīb

  • عرفات أحمد أستاذ، قسم الدراسات الإسلامية ، جامعة تعز، اليمن
الكلمات المفتاحية: Methodology, Bible, Abdullah al-tarjumān, Christianity,


This research aims to describe the critical Approach of Abdullah al-tarjumān, through his criticism of the distorted Bible, and his refutation of the Christian faith, which is an important area of study that engaged the interest of contemporary researchers, both Muslims and Christians. Abdullah al-tarjumān was one of the pioneers of the text-criticism approach, as he invented a new path based on intellectual and methodological independence. in this regard, he has adopted the method of direct interaction with the text and its interpretation instead of traditional interpretations and repetitions. Similarly, he has taken into account both external and internal factors in the critical study of the Bible, and in this context, all the beliefs of Christianity have been discussed, while the contradictions that are found in this regard in the Bible’s versions have been clarified. I relied on the descriptive analytical approach in extracting information and results.
