الفوائد الـحِسَانُ في مصطلح الحديث للشَّيخ محمَّدِ بن عبد العالي الـجَعْفَريِّ البُوْتِيْجيِّ من علماء القرن الحاديَ عشَرَ دراسةً وتحقيقًا

Research study of al-fawāʾid al-.ḥisān fī miṣṭalaḥ al-ḥadīṯ written by Shaīkẖ Muhammad bin ʿabd al-ʿālī al-.jaʿfarī al-būtījīi



This article aims to edit and study a manuscript “ written by Sheikh Moḥammad ibn ʻAbdil-ʻĀlī Al-Jaʻfarī Al-Būtījī in the discipline of Hadith and its sciences, which existed in the sulīmānīaẗ  Library in Istanbul. The science of  hadith is the precise criterion for distinguishing the authentic and stable from the Prophet - peace be upon him - from the weak traditions  which do not prove it, so the scholars took great care to achieve and edit it, and classified it many works, varied in their purposes and methods. The author of this Manuscript was a prominent Muslim scholar of the Eleventh century and his academic work has been acknowledged and highly appreciated by later scholars, unfortunately, this booklet has remained unpublishable, which is why I made this book a research topic so it can be brought in public view, scholars, and students can benefit from it.



Author Biography

Faisal syed Muhammad Al-Qallaf ALGALLAF, Assistant professor, Facultyt of Shari’ah and Islamic studies, Kuwait University, Kuwait

Assistant Professor in Tafsir & Hadith Departmentin Sharia College of Kuwayt University
