عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة في الأنبياء والرسل

The Creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah in the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty

  • Muhammad bin ahmad al-juawir College of Law - University of Dar Al Uloom – Riyadh, Kingdom Saudi Arabia


This research elaborates on an important and fundamental element of the Islamic faith stated in the famous ḥadīth of Gabriel, which is belief in the messengers of Allah. It aims to highlight its value and importance in the light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah because it is one of the foundations of the Islamic creed and it is required to believe in it with the obligation to believe in all the prophets and messengers without differentiating and discriminating among them. Allah sent His prophets and messengers for a lofty mission and to convey His guidance to humankind, save them from ignorance, loss, and Allah’s wrath and punishment. Furthermore, they were assigned the task of uniting the nation in one faith, social norms, and political, moral, individual, and collective life system revealed and certified by Divine authority. Therefore, it has been declared by the Holy Qur’ān and Sunnah declared that no one would be considered a Muslim until and unless he or she admits and believes in the prophets, revealed books, and other revealed manuscripts.
