المحتكمات المقاصدية ودورها في الترجيح الفقهي : برامج تسلية الأطفال نموذجا -

The Role of Objectives of the Sharī‘ah in Jurisprudential Preferences: A Case Study of Children’s Entertainment Programs

  • ربيع لعور محاضر، بقسم الفقه وأصوله۔ كلية الشريعة والاقتصادجامعة الأمير عبد القادر للعلوم السلامية،قسطنطنية
الكلمات المفتاحية: objectives of the sharī‘ah, entertainment, education, children, jurisprudence.


This article seeks to explore how the objectives of Sharī‘ah play a role in resolving conflicts between jurisprudential rules, with a particular focus on children’s entertainment programs as a significant source of Islamic law. The objectives of Sharī‘ah are grounded in the collective wisdom derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah, which Muslim jurists have consistently considered when formulating rules of Islamic jurisprudence. The researcher, by applying these principles, leans towards legitimising the use of various forms of entertainment and education, such as animation, singing and chanting, electronic games, school theatre, fairy tales, and drawing. However, this legitimacy does not dismiss the prohibition of certain images that violate religious fundamentals or undermine the intention of the Lawgiver.
