الأسس الروحية للفكر التربوي والإصلاحي عند الشيخ نظام الدين الأولياء وتطبيقاتها.
..Spiritual Foundations of the Educational and Reformist Thought of Nizam al-Din Awliya and Its Effect
This study aims to assess the spiritual principles and practices manifested in the religious, pedagogical, and reformist thought of Shaykh Nizam al-Din Awliya. Moreover, it explores the means through which he explained moral, spiritual, and ethical values and made them accessible to all in medieval Indian society. It also discusses the dimensions of the spiritual and moral concepts, which the Chishti Shaykhs spread and promoted in the Indian subcontinent in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Apart from profiling Shaykh Nizam al-Din and highlighting his prominent role in pedagogical reform, the paper reviews his conversations and dialogues recorded in the book Fawaid al-Fuad to analyze and explain his moral and spiritual teachings and notions as well as pedagogical metaphors cantered round the basic spiritual ideals.
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