الأحاديث التي أعلّها الإمام البزار بالاختلاف في الوصل والإرسال في مسنده: "مسند أنس بن مالك" ...................................................... The Traditions Considered as Differing in Continuity and Interruption by Imam Bazzar in his Musnad: Musnad

  • مسعودة خيري International Islamic University, Islamabad.


This paper has examined the traditions that Imam Bazzar has listed in his Musnad as continous (mawsul) but categorized them as interrupted (mursal) after investigation. This conclusion has also been endorsed by other prominent scholars. This trait of Imam Bazzar’s work provides evidence of his profound scholarship in hadith. The writer concludes that a deeper knowledge of the causes that determine the status of various reports in terms of their authenticity leads to correct evaluation of reports.

Author Biography

مسعودة خيري, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Islamic Studies.