وجود المتواتر في السنة النبوية عند المتكلمين والمحدثين " شفاعة النبي لأهل الكبائر نموذجا

The Existence of Mutawatir in the Prophetic Sunnah According to Theologians and Hadith Scholars: "The Prophet's Intercession for Major Sinners as a Model"

  • HASAN Al-Khattaf qatar university


This study examines the classification of hadiths concerning the Prophet’s intercession for major sinners, which many theologians and hadith scholars have labelled as "successive" (mutawatir). Often used to counter opponents, this designation has significant implications, as rejecting mutawatir transmission is typically viewed as deviant. The study raises a critical question: Are these hadiths genuinely mutawatir, particularly when juxtaposed with other hadiths that warn against major sins and suggest that those who commit them may not enter paradise? The research focuses on the narrators of these hadiths, their quantity, and their authenticity, employing both inductive and critical methods. The findings reveal that these hadiths do not meet the criteria of mutawatir. Instead, the claims of successive transmission appear to have originated within theological debates, reflecting a strategic rather than definitive classification.