الإطار الابستمولوجي لتأسيس علم الاستغراب: محاولة في المنهجية

The Epistemological Framework for Establishing the Study of Occidentalism: A Methodological Attempt

  • Abdelaziz bin fodil Bouchair Professor, Faculty of Shariah and Usuluddin, King khalid University Saudia
  • khaled Hassan Muhammad al-Baadani Associate Professor, Faculty of Shariah and Usuluddin, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This research delves into the epistemological and methodological foundations required to establish Occidentalism as a distinct scientific discipline. It positions Occidentalism as a field dedicated to studying and critically analyzing the West, seeking to move beyond fragmented knowledge toward a systematic framework grounded in clear epistemological principles. The study raises essential questions regarding the subject, methods, objectives, challenges, and epistemological barriers of Occidentalism, aiming to provide insights into its intellectual and methodological prerequisites. By addressing a contemporary issue in Islamic thought, the research underscores the importance of equipping the Islamic intellectual tradition with tools for critical and scientific engagement with the West. Using analytical, inductive, and critical methodologies, it explores how Occidentalism can evolve into a structured field of inquiry capable of achieving a balanced and objective understanding of the West. Furthermore, it highlights the need to refine the discourse around Occidentalism, define its scope and methods, and integrate insights from Islamic heritage to develop a coherent scientific methodology. The study concludes with recommendations for distinguishing between the study of the West and the science of Occidentalism, paving the way for a systematic and rigorous exploration of this emerging field.
