إشكالية إدراج الشعر في السردية الروائية (دراسة تحليلية وصفية)

The Problematic of Incorporating Poetry in Narrative Fiction An Analytical and Descriptive Study

  • Baraa Khaled Hilal PhD scholar in Modern Criticism, Reporter of Alaraby TV in Islamabad.



Novelists often introduce the character of a poet into their stories, which compels them to include numerous poetries in their narrative. Despite the mastery required in portraying the poet's character, integrating poetry elevates the narrative and dialogue in the novel. This incorporation is challenging, as the novelist is primarily a storyteller rather than a poet. In Arabic literature, the inclusion of poetic texts in novels is rare. However, consecutive novels by Ali al-Jarim, such and Ali Ahmad Bakathir' opened the door widely for novelists in the20th century. This trend persisted into the last decade, where poetry and narrative prose became two forms of literary expression, leading to overlapping complexities. This study highlights the significance of the early stages of Arabic novels, where there were strict criteria for literary categorization. This research aids in understanding the perspectives on literary genres in the twentieth century. The challenge lies in assessing an author's ability to maintain the same literary level when incorporating poetry into narrative fiction. This study adopts an analytical-descriptive approach. Both poetic and narrative prose can engage in the same themes, ideas, and profound subjects such as love, death, and human existence. Both may employ poetic language and figurative imagery to convey philosophical, social, or political messages. However, both can express the emotions, thoughts, and challenges faced by humans in their lives.".

