شروط السر الطبي بين الشريعة والقانون

Conditions of Medical Confidentiality in Sharia and Law

  • Muhammad Al-Deek lecturer at the Faculty of Da’wah and Fundamentals of Religion, Al-Quds University




This research dealt with a sensitive and serious issue at the same time. The relationship that exists between the nature of the doctor’s profession and the patient requires that the doctor be informed of sensitive matters such as secrets. The patient does not want the doctor to know the secret by virtue of his medical profession, and the patient’s interest requires that, but at the same time the law excludes cases in which it is permissible to reveal secrets. The patient is united by achieving a public interest and warding off harm. Because of the seriousness of the matter, Islamic law forbids revealing people’s secrets unless there is an overriding interest in revealing them. The secret, in its essence, is based on secrecy and the patient’s unwillingness for others to see it. Everything related to medical work, such as examination, falls within the scope of secrets. Laboratory or X-ray imaging, and when investigating and studying the relevant law books, specific conditions were stipulated for this secret to be considered something worthy of being described as medical confidentiality, including that it be
