الإمام الشاه ولي الله المحدث الدهلوي ودوره في نشر الحديث النبوي في شبه القارة الهندية: دراسة تحليلية

imām Shah Waliullah muḥadiṯh al-dihlawī and his contribution to the hadith sciences in the Indian subcontinent: An analytical study

  • Syed Nour Nour ، المحاضر بقسم علوم الحديث والدراسات الإسلامية الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية شيتاغونغ، بنغله ديش
Keywords: imam Shah Waliullah, Hadith, subcontinent, contribution


This article elaborates on the contribution of imām shah waliulllah in the field of hadith and its sciences, he was one of the prominent figures in the discipline of the hadith and a famous scholar of India. He made great efforts in reviving numerous religious sciences through teaching, writing and compiling books, and he had a great role in the “science of hadith” and a greater degree of care among those sciences. This research highlighted the extent of Imam al-dihlawī 's interactions with the people of his era, and his contributions in the field of hadith sciences, to serve Islamic jurisprudence and other Sharia sciences. This research also showed many aspects of creativity and inclusiveness in al-dihlawī 's modern works and the diligent approach in them and revealed the scientific background of Imam al-dihlawī in Hadith and its sciences and the great efforts he exerted in serving the Prophet's Sunnah and caring for it.
