قراءة سيميائية لقصيدة (بيعة تحت ظلال الروح) للشاعرة: نارت الشيخ

A Semiotic Reading of the Poem Bay‘ah Taḥta Ẓilāl al-Rūḥ by Nārat al-Shaykh

  • Zelal Al-Jaji محاضرة بكلية الالهيات جامعة دوكوز ايلول، تركي
Keywords: Bay‘ah taḥta Ẓilāl al-Rūḥ, Nārat al-Shaykh, semiotics, poetry.


This study aims to apply the semiotic approach to the poem Bay‘ah taḥta Ẓilāl al-Rūḥ written by Nārat al-Shaykh. The semiotic approach attempts to reach deep levels of a poetic text to reconstruct the meaning and test the potential of semiotics in it. It also uncovers implicit meanings expressed in a given poetic sign or hint, which is understood as physical mediums where human feelings and thoughts are concealed and lay between rhyme and rhythm. This research adopts the semiotic approach and explains the poem through lexical, structural, semantic, and rhythmic aspects. It relies on some statistics that serve the text and reveal its signs, symbols, and connotations, which are keys to deciphering text codes.  Finally, the poem is suitable to its general semantic meaning and the repetition of some morphological forms supports meaning. The intertextuality with historical and religious incidents plays a role in conveying the meaning and expressing the thoughts and feelings.
