المحتكمات المقاصدية ودورها في الترجيح الفقهي : برامج تسلية الأطفال نموذجا -

The Role of Objectives of the Sharī‘ah in Jurisprudential Preferences: A Case Study of Children’s Entertainment Programs

  • Rabie Laouar Senior Lecturer at the Department of Jurisprudence and its Principles, Faculty of sharī‘ah and Economics, Amir Abdul Qadir University for Islamic Sciences, AlGeria.


This article dealt with the rooting of some of the Maqasidic rulers and its effect on the ruling on children's amusement programs, and at the end of it it was concluded that the Maqasid Judge was an important factor in the juristic weighting, and reached the rooting for seven of them, all of which are based on knowing the intent of the street and achieving it in the juristic dispute.

Through the implementation of these conclusions, the researcher tended to permit entertainment and education using the following programs: animation, singing and chanting, electronic games, school theater, fairy tale, drawing.

This passport does not deny the prevention of some programs that violate Sharia, and contradict the intention of religion.
