مواصفات النموذج الكامل في ضوء سورة التحريم: الأسرة النبوية نموذجا

Characteristics of a Complete Family Model in the Light of Surat al-Tahrim: The Prophetic Family as a Model

  • Jamila Belaouda دكتوراه في القرآن والسنة، الجامعة الإسلامية بماليزيا، 2019
Keywords: Family, Prophet, Role Model, Qurani Text, Moral Values.


This study aims to analyze the characteristics of a complete family model in the light of surat al-Tahrim and mentions the criteria that Allah set for the Prophet’s family to amend marital legislative behaviour within the limits of piety and standard process. The Prophet’s family is the supreme model to build Muslim community and uplift it from doctrine to the level of moral chastity. The directives mentioned in the surat al-Tahrim were directed to the Prophet’s family and used it to recommend a moral and intellectual model for ideal Muslim families. This shows that the aim of the Quran is to lead Muslims to ideal family and create awareness about family management and its role in preserving moral values. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the implementation of the Prophet’s family model (as directed in the Quran) in society. The researcher conclude that the contextual interpretation of the surat al-Tahrim provides the characteristics of a complete family model through elaborating the distinctive features of charity, as it creates awareness, corrects the mothers of the believers (the Prophet’s wives), and guides them to the preferred criteria (as a role model for a Muslim family). The researcher recommend self-restraint and behavioural discipline that will be in the context of piety, and adherence to the moral value.


