ما وصف بالجميل في محكم التنزيل: دراسة موضوعية

Things Considered Beautiful by the Holy Quran

  • فهد بن متعب بن مبارك الدوسري Associate Professor, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: beauty, Qur'an, patience, forgiveness, morality.


This article aims to discuss characteristics and intangible things considered beautiful by the holy Quran. Beauty is not limited to appearance, shape, or body. It also relates to the shape and composition of creation, morals, and spiritual deeds. Physical beauty is visual. As for moral beauty, it consists of the good qualities of knowledge, wisdom, justice, etc. For instance, the holy Quran considers patience, forgiveness, and freedom beautiful traits. This article seeks to clarify the meaning of such Qurnic terms, which the holy Quran considers beautiful. It uses descriptive and analytical methods, collecting relevant verses and analyzing them from different aspects.

