International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL)
<p>The aim of the research journal is to promote research activities and publish original and quality research work in different fields of education. IJITL is providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of research papers, case studies and book reviews.</p>en-US<p>All articles published in IJITL are open-access articles published and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License which allows reproduction, distribution, derives and non-commercial use, provided the original work is cited and authors and publisher are properly identified.<br>IJITL allows the authors to retain copyright under the CC BY NC license.</p> <p> <a href=""><img src="/ojs/public/site/images/humairaakram/CCNC1.png" alt="" width="128" height="45"></a></p> <p> </p> (Editor IJITL) (Junaid Azhar)Tue, 31 Dec 2024 13:30:51 +0500OJS Classroom-Based Leadership Competence for Quality Instructional Delivery in Nigeria Public Secondary Schools
<p>As the race towards maintaining academic credibility regarding students’ learning outcomes and attaining 21<sup>st</sup> century competencies in teachers becomes a priority in our society, leadership has become a noteworthy concept in educational literature. More significantly, quality instructional delivery has received significant attention in recent times due to the need to further strengthen teacher leadership capability. This study validates a theory-based leadership framework of teachers towards quality instructional delivery of lessons in Nigerian secondary schools using quantitative research of the survey from a targeted population of 53,520 teachers out of which 500 teachers in the North-Central and South Eastern States Junior Secondary Schools, Nigeria were selected using proportionate sampling technique. The internal consistency of the questionnaire used has a coefficient index of .84 alpha value, which indicates that the instrument is reliable. Research questions raised were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling to validate the constructs and results reveal a significant effect of leadership competence on quality instructional delivery in Nigerian schools.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Classroom-based Leadership Competence, Quality Instructional Delivery</em></p>Habibat Abubakar Yusuf, Abdulyakeen Tukur Murtala
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL), 31 Dec 2024 12:00:29 +0500Revitalizing the Research Ecosystem in Eastern Africa: Strategic Policies, Collaborative Partnerships, and Innovation-Driven Growth
<p>Research in Eastern Africa has enormous potential in catalyzing socio-economic development but its challenges are apparent; funding, unfavorable infrastructure, fragmented policies, and the problem of brain drain. The present research focuses on the approaches for improving research policies in the region to enhance health, agriculture, and climate change research through policy reform, partnership, and innovation for competitiveness. That is why if Eastern Africa synchronizes its research investments with national and regional development priorities, strengthens public private partnerships, and encourages innovation at the local level, systemic barriers to progress can be overcome. Beneficial cases like Kenya M-Pesa, Rwandan ICT polys, as well as Ethiopia renewable energy study show how right track solutions make a difference. The remedies suggested in this research involve the need to increase financial investment in research and development to levels comparable to the rest of the world, creating research networks regionally and extending innovation hubs inclusively and scalable. All these strategies are meant to foster a coherent and stable architecture of research systems to place Eastern Africa as an innovation frontier in sustainable development.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Eastern Africa, Research Ecosystem, Policy Reform, Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Socio-economic Growth, Sustainable Development </em></p>Dr. Samina Khan, Dr. Ahmed Farah Idle
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL), 31 Dec 2024 12:06:07 +0500Implementing Multigrade and Team-Teaching Approaches to Enhance Holistic Development for Slow Learners in Inclusive Classroom Settings
<p>The purpose of this action research is to better understand how multigrade and team-teaching methods affect slow learners' learning outcomes in inclusive classroom settings. Slow learners often face unique challenges in traditional classroom settings which allow students to receive the learning in passive form. It doesn’t handle specific needs of slow learners. The study focuses on how more individualized and encouraging learning environments can be created through collaborative teaching strategies to meet the various needs of slow learners. The research investigates the efficacy of multigrade teaching in which students from grade levels (4-7) are taught together and team teaching in which several educators work together in promoting academic advancement and engagement among slow learners. Assessments of students’ performance over a predetermined period of time, teacher and student feedback, and classroom observations are all included in the data collection process. Findings suggest that these approaches are also helpful are enhancing learning outcomes. The results are intended to give educators useful guidance on how to modify their pedagogical approaches in future.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Multigrade Teaching, Team Teaching, Slow Learners, Inclusive Education, Collaborative Teaching</em></p>Tasneem Saifuddin, Arwa Huzaifa, Sonia Ishrat
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL), 31 Dec 2024 12:14:52 +0500Correlation between Socratic Questioning and Development of Critical Thinking Skills in Secondary Level Science Students
<p>This study explores the nature of relationship between Socratic questioning and development of critical thinking skills in respective students. Critical thinking skills are considered crucial for individual’s survival in digital era of information processing. Social interaction in classroom is considered beneficial for development of critical thinking skills. It was a correlational research conducted in Provincial public schools of Rawalpindi. Population constituted science teachers teaching at secondary school level and science students of secondary level. Sample of five interactive science teachers was drawn purposively from the population and their respective 125 students studying at grade 10<sup>th</sup> were also selected to assess the developed skills. Data was collected using two instruments; observation sheet for teachers and observation sheet for students. Reliability coefficient for both instruments were .80 and .82 respectively. Data was analyzed through SPSS calculating Pearson <em>r</em> correlation coefficient. Results shown successive increase in development of student’s reflective thinking and reasoning skills after engaging them in learning via Socratic questioning. It is concluded that Socratic questioning and development of critical thinking are strongly positively correlated. It is suggested to train teachers for better utilization of questioning while teaching science at secondary school level.</p>Lubna Shaheen, Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL), 31 Dec 2024 12:21:46 +0500Impact of Emotional Regulation on Academic Achievement of Students at Secondary School Level
<p>This systematic review explores the relationship between Emotional Regulation (ER) and academic achievement in secondary school students. It aims to find how efficiently emotional regulation can increase academic achievement and reduce the rate of lower grades. Comprehensive searches were carried out through several databases for quantitative research and theoretical studies that would meet the inclusion criteria. The studies with impact of ER on academic achievement across diverse cultural backgrounds were selected. The analysis of included articles showed that emotional regulated learners are doing well in academic setting. Students who reveal competence in ER tend to exhibit higher academic achievement, thus proving that emotional regulation significantly enhances learning processes and academic achievement. This suggests that emotional regulation training should be included in education practices. Better ER may have a positive impact on academic attainment on students' resilience in overcoming the demands of secondary school. Interventions to improve emotional regulation might support students' educational careers, and their academic achievement in general. This systematic review showed a substantial association between emotional regulation and school achievement. Effective ER is associated with superior problem-solving ability, resilience, focused attention, and adaptive coping strategies.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Emotional Regulation, Academic Achievement, Emotional Intelligence </em></p>Momina Khan, Dr. Hafiz Tahir Jameel
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL), 31 Dec 2024 12:27:57 +0500Integrating Edupreneurship into Higher Education: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategic Pathways in Sindh, Pakistan
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This research aims to investigate the incorporation of edupreneurship into higher education curriculum in Sindh, Pakistan while focusing on entrepreneurial requirements, perception of faculty, and student interactions. In-depth interviews were conducted with 24 faculty members from numerous universities with issues like lack of resources and uncontented instructional models identified, as well as possibilities of collaboration between industries and academies. The analysis has been done using the Nvivo software. These findings point to the need for policy changes, development of professional learning and lesson studies that promote innovation and entrepreneurial dispositions for students. Recommendations, therefore, focus on ways of improving the effectiveness of edupreneurship in the higher learning institutions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Edupreneurship, Higher Education, Entrepreneurship Education, Faculty Perceptions, Curriculum Alignment</em></p>Sakina Jumani, Prof. Dr. Anjum Bano Kazimi
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL), 31 Dec 2024 12:38:12 +0500 Teaching the Course of Business Communication to Large Classes in Pakistani Universities: Challenges and Suggested Strategies
<p>Large classes are an integral part of Higher Education Institutions in developing countries such as Pakistan, posing several challenges for ESL university teachers. This study aims to explore Pakistani ESL university teachers’ experiences of teaching Business Communication to large classes. More specifically, it seeks to identify the challenges faced by the university teachers and the strategies they use to effectively teach large classes. By adopting a basic qualitative research design and purposive sampling technique, researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 university teachers from eight private and public sector universities located in Karachi, Pakistan. All the participants were teaching business communication courses to large classes with student strength ranging from 40 to 150. The data were analyzed using the thematic analysis technique. Findings revealed that achieving course learning outcomes, managing large classes, assessing student work, and providing timely feedback were some of the major challenges for the teachers. The participants suggested several pedagogical strategies more suited to teaching large classes including better planning, adopting cooperative learning, integrating technology into large classrooms, encouraging self-assessment, peer-assessment, and project work, and equipping classrooms with multimedia projectors, sound systems and the internet.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Business Communication, Large class size, Lecture, Teaching</em></p>Mahboob Ali Naper, Muhammad Younus, Abdul Majeed Mangrio
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL), 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0500