Difficulties faced by Students in Adopting Arabic Language as Medium of Instruction in International Islamic University Islamabad
The study was conducted to investigate the difficulties faced by students in adopting Arabic language as medium of instruction for the subject of Islamic Studies at International Islamic University Islamabad. The nature of study was descriptive. The objectives of the study were to; find out the proficiency level of students in Arabic language, find out the difficulties faced by students in adopting Arabic language as medium of instruction and to give recommendations to address the difficulties faced by students in adopting Arabic language as medium of instruction. The study was delimited to the Faculty of Usuluddin. Students of BS Usuluddin were the population of the study. Gender based proportionate random sampling technique was used to select the sample of 300 students, comprising 60 students from each of the five departments. Close ended questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean score and Chi-square. Results showed that Pakistani students are not natively Arabic speaker and they do not speak Arabic at home. All the statements of study were highly significant and students feel difficulties in basic language learning skills like reading, writing, speaking, pronunciation and Arabic grammar rules. The study recommended to minimize the difficulties of reading Arabic, vocabulary and understanding Arabic language. Students should read Arabic magazine, newspaper and articles in Arabic and teaching of Arabic should start from simple structure of sentence and to give examples from their daily life, and students may be encouraged to learn Arabic language.
Keywords: Arabic Language, Medium of Instruction, Islamic Studies
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