Problems of University Students in Speaking English during Classroom Participation
Students’ academic achievement is directly related to their active classroom participation. They learn their lesson actively, discuss their lecture with their peers and teachers, but speaking English language becomes the hurdle in their active participation. So, this study was designed to analyze the problems of the university students in classroom participation. The objectives of the study were; to find out the problems of university students in speaking English during classroom participation, and to enlist factors creating problems for students in speaking English during classroom participation. The study was descriptive in nature. The population of the study was all enrolled students of the Islamia University Bahawalpur. 400 students were selected by the researchers as the sample of study. Questionnaire was used to collect the data from selected sample. SPSS was used to calculate the percentage and mean score of the collected data. Findings of the study indicated that students feel problem because of insufficient vocabulary, grammar illiteracy, lack of confidence and environment does not support them for classroom participation. Furthermore, results of the study recommend that there must be extra classes for students to give them opportunity to speak English language, and there must be a rule that students must speak English language otherwise they will have to pay fine.
Keywords: English Language, Speaking Problems, Classroom Participation, University Level
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