Relationship between Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators and the Creativity of the Prospective Teachers

  • Asad Abbas Rizvi International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Shah Faisal International Islamic University Islamabad


The main focus of the study was to find out the relationship of reflective practices and creativity of prospective teachers at university level. The objectives of the study were; to identify the types of reflective practice of teacher educators; to identify the frequency of reflective practice of teacher educators; to determine the creativity level of the prospective teachers; and to find out the relationship of reflective practices of teacher educators with creativity of prospective teachers. The study is survey by method and correlational by purpose. Two questionnaires were used for the purpose of data collection. One questionnaire was tailor made and the other was a custom made questionnaire. Each questionnaire consisted of 25 questions and was scored for the use of establishing the relationship between the two variables (i.e., reflective practice of teacher educators and creativity of the prospective teachers). The population of the study consisted of all the B.Ed. students in the six public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan out of which a sample of 220 B.Ed. students was taken through proportionate random sampling technique for the collection of data. The findings of the study reveal that teacher educators carry out various reflective practices during their instruction with a variation in their frequencies. The study also shows a strong, positive and significant relationship between the reflective practices of teacher educators and creativity of prospective teachers. The teacher educators, therefore, might concentrate more on new and innovative forms of reflective practices enabling the prospective teachers to discharge their duties in future efficiently and effectively.

Author Biographies

Asad Abbas Rizvi, International Islamic University Islamabad
Assistant Professor, Department of Education
Shah Faisal, International Islamic University Islamabad
PhD Scholar, Department of Education


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