An Analysis of the Reasons, Practices and Preventive Measures of Bullying at Secondary School

  • Zohran Jumani Research Scholar, Department of Education, Iqra University, Karachi
  • Prof. Dr. Anjum Bano Kazmi Department of Education, Iqra University, Karachi, Sindh-Pakistan


This study investigates the preventive measures and existing practices of bullying at secondary school level in Hyderabad Sindh. Objectives of the study were to: determine the reasons of bullying at Secondary School Level in Hyderabad Sindh, investigate the consequences of bullying at Secondary School Level in Hyderabad Sindh and assess the preventions, measures and existence practices of bullying at Secondary School Level in Hyderabad Sindh. This study was quantitative. Survey was used as research design. The population of the study was consisted of 18,673 secondary school students of Hyderabad District. The sample of the study was comprised 217 secondary school level students at Hyderabad District. And simple random sampling technique was used for sample selection. Self-made close-ended questionnaire was used for data collection. Researchers collected data both from teachers and students of secondary schools in district Hyderabad. Percentages, frequencies and chi-square were used as statistical techniques to analyze and interpret the data. Findings of the study concluded that the majority of participants expressed agreement regarding the necessity for scholarly presentations, such as speeches or role-plays, to address bullying. Furthermore, most of the participants emphasized the importance of organizing discussion sessions and fostering open communication on topics such as reporting incidents of bullying. The study recommended that there must be frequent parents-teachers meetings to motivate parents for playing their role to stop bullying among their children.

Keywords: Bullying, Preventive Measure, Secondary School
