A Comparative Study of the Usage of Open Educational Resources in the E-Learning Universities and Conventional Universities of Pakistan

  • Darakhshan Muslim Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore
  • Syeda Aneeeqa Touseef Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore
  • Muhammad Muslim Raza University of Management and Technology, Lahore.


The purpose of this study is to find and compare the extent of use of Open Educational Resources (OER), the factors that affect the use of OER and perceptions about the use of OER of teachers of the E-learning Universities and Conventional (Face To Face teaching) Universities of Pakistan. For our study purpose we have included Virtual University as E-learning University and Minhaj University Lahore as conventional university of Pakistan. The data is collected from a sample of 30 respondents from each university using the questionnaire method. Results of the data indicate that teachers have expert technological skills and they use digital and OER resources more in VU than Minhaj University. The teachers of VU also show more positive perceptions about the use of different OER with the lectures as supporting material than the Minhaj University.

بیوگرافی نویسندگان

Darakhshan Muslim, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore
Department of Education
Syeda Aneeeqa Touseef, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore
Department of Education
Muhammad Muslim Raza, University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
Department of Quantitative Methods


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