Effects of ICT on Student’s Learning at Secondary Level in Private Schools of the Punjab

  • Muhammad Saleem University of Management & Technology, Lahore
  • Maryam Zahra University of Management & Technology, Lahore


This research paper explores “Effects of ICT on student learning at the secondary level in private schools of Punjab”. The objectives were as: to find effects of obtain ability of ICT resources on students learning at the secondary level in private schools of Punjab (Pakistan), to identify effects of approachability of ICT resources on students learning at the secondary level in private schools Punjab (Pakistan), and to explore effects of user-ability of ICT resources on students learning at the secondary level in private schools of Punjab (Pakistan). In this research paper, the researcher used the quantitative method of the research which is descriptive in nature. The questionnaire was adapted from a research conducted at Makerere University by Opira Geoffrey (Geoffrey, 2010). The questionnaires were distributed among 250 participants and all participants filled the questionnaire out of which 150 were the male students and 100 were the female students. The sample of the study selected randomly from the private school of Punjab. A regression analysis was applied to identifying the effects of independent variables on student learning. The results indicate that there is a strong relationship between sufficiency and students learning, the results indicate that there is a strong relationship between approachability and students learning and the results indicate that there is a strong relationship between user ability and students learning if the user ability of ICT resources is positive in schools than the students learning is good and if the user ability of ICT resources is negative in schools than the students learning is not good. The future researchers can research the Effects of ICT on students learning at the secondary level in public schools of Punjab (Pakistan).

بیوگرافی نویسندگان

Muhammad Saleem, University of Management & Technology, Lahore
Ph.D Scholar
Maryam Zahra, University of Management & Technology, Lahore
Ph.D Scholar


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