Metaphoric Perceptions of Adolescents towards the Concept of Corona Virus (COVID-19)

  • Fatih Aydoğdu Health Services Vocational School, Department of Child Development, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Turkey
  • Figen Gürsoy Faculty of Health Science, Department of Child Development, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey


This research was carried out to examine the metaphoric perceptions of adolescents regarding the concept of coronavirus (COVID-19).For this purpose, 60 adolescents (33 girls, 27 boys) studying at different grade levels of three high schools at different socio-economic levels determined by maximum diversity sampling from high schools in Erzincan city center were included in the research.With the questionnaireform developed for adolescents, “Coronavirus (COVID-19) ……is similar. Because………." was asked.The data obtained were analyzed by content analysis method. In this context, categories suitable for metaphors were created and the consistency of the categories with metaphors and descriptions was determined. Eight metaphors that are not suitable for the subject of the study are excluded from the study. In line with the results obtained, it was determined that adolescents developed 49 different metaphors and these metaphors were collected under eight categories. It can be said that the metaphoric perceptions of adolescents regarding the concept of coronavirus (COVID-19) are generally negative.

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