Tele-Schooling as Distance Learning Approach in Schools of Pakistan During Pandemic COVID-19

  • Saghir Ahmad Ch. Department of Education, Hazara University Mansehra
  • Ayesha Batool Lahore College for Women University
  • Muhammad Ajmal Department of Distance and Non Formal Education, AIOU


Tele-schooling is a distance learning approach that is fruitful in COVID-19. The corona virus destroyed the world system desperately. All fields business, trade, educational institution etc. are closed due to pandemic virus and only one slogan in the world is “SOCIAL Distancing”. The Ministry of Education introduced the tele-schooling as distance learning approach for school students in Pakistan during COVID-19. The purpose of launching new approach of teaching and learning is the continuity of students learning.The intention of researchers behind this study was to explore perceptions of students about tele-schooling at that time when corona damaged the
world badly. This study was designed under survey design and correlational approach. It was descriptive study directed for collecting data from school students regarding teleschooling during uncertain atmosphere.One hundred and forty students were selected by convieninet sampling technique.A self-developed questionnaire regarding teleschooling in COVID-19 on five point likert scale was used for this study. The collected data were analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. It is concluded that tele-schooling is helpful in distance learning during COVID-19. This approach is better source of developing skills and learning in pandemic situation. They found tele-schooling effective learning approach to accomplish the learning
objectives. A strong association was there which indicated that all dimensions were essential and fruitful to measure the tele-schooling learning approach in COVID-19. The school students are happy and enjoying tele-schooling. Therefore, its presence should be there after pandemic COVID-19.

بیوگرافی نویسندگان

Saghir Ahmad Ch., Department of Education, Hazara University Mansehra

Ayesha Batool, Lahore College for Women University

Assistant Professor

Muhammad Ajmal, Department of Distance and Non Formal Education, AIOU

Associate Professor

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