Media Ethics for Educating Masses and Mediatization of Society

  • Abid Zafar International Islamic University (IIU), Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Hassan Shahzad International Islamic University (IIU), Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Zaman Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Education is one of the three main functions of media. This function assumes utmost importance when media comes to play the role of watchdog in a mediatized society so that quality of democracy is achieved through protection of human liberties. In 2002, President Pervez Musharraf unlocked the potential of electronic media by allowing private entrepreneurs to operate TV and Radio channels, which led to acceleration of the process of mediatization of politics. For the purpose of the study two main leading newspaper Daily Jang and The News have been selected. The researcher has critically evaluated these two newspapers from March, 2015 to July 2015. This research is critical descriptive in nature leading to an understanding of the value of professional ethics for media to perform function of educating the masses in recognizing their rights. It has found that private media ignore the function of educating the masses and has been engaged in proliferating distorted information in the society so much that masses find themselves in confusion about reality.

السير الشخصية للمؤلفين

Abid Zafar، International Islamic University (IIU), Islamabad, Pakistan.
Researcher, Centre for Research on Islam and Global Media, Department of Media Studies
Hassan Shahzad، International Islamic University (IIU), Islamabad, Pakistan
Lecturer, Department of Media Studies
Muhammad Zaman، Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology


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