• Basharat Ali International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Azhar Mahmood International Islamic University Islamabad


Distance Education is a form of education in which the course contents are delivered and the interactions are provided by the technologies and methodologies of the Internet and correspondence. This paper aims to find out the problems of tutors of distance system of education and to give some suggestions for solutions of the problems. The study was descriptive in nature and survey was conducted to collect the data. All the tutors (705) of B.A. level semester spring 2016 of Rawalpindi region were selected for the study and 250 tutors were selected as a sample randomly. Data was analyzed by applying percentage. On the basis of data analysis findings and conclusion were drawn and recommendations were made. Majority of the students do not send their assignments within due dates. Majority of the tutors disagreed that transport facility was given to the tutors for approaching study centers. Majority of the tutors agreed that proper training was not given to the tutors in each semester as well as tutors ‗remuneration is very low. Hundred percent tutors agreed that they were not given advance money to bear the postal charges and tutors were not paid by University in time. Majority of the tutors agreed that poor financial provisions for tutorial services influenced their performance. Regional office responded to the queries of the tutors in time as well as staff of concerned regional office was cooperative. Majority of the tutors disagreed that they faced difficulty in marking assignments due to poor handwriting of students.

السير الشخصية للمؤلفين

Basharat Ali، International Islamic University Islamabad
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education
Azhar Mahmood، International Islamic University Islamabad
Associate Professor, Department of Education


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