طلبات النشر

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متطلبات تحضير طلب النشر

كجزء من عملية تقديم طلب النشر، على المؤلفين التأكد من كون طلباتهم مستوفية لجميع الفقرات الآتية، وعليه، فقد تُرد الطلبات التي لا تلبي تلك الضوابط.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

إرشادات المؤلف

The editor welcomes submissions of research papers based on original  and new research ideas in proper English language that have not been submitted elsewhere for publication. IJDEEL is an online and print open access,  blind peer reviewed, free of cost (no submission or publication fee) and bi-annual journal. The manuscripts would only be considered that follow the journal’s format. Instructions for authors are given on the journal website. Only the electronic submissions in MS-Word format are accepted and should be sent only to the journal’s e-mail address through two file attachments.

  1. 1.                   Title Page

It must contain the following information:- 

  • Title of research paper (Type the title centered, capitalize key words, double-spaced)
  • Author/Co-author name, email address and Contact number
  • Institution detail
  1. 2.                   Research Paper (without author identification)

The research paper contains the following:

  1. i.                        Abstract

Abstract is a brief (150-250 words) comprehensive summary of the research. The word “Abstract” is centered as the first line of type on this page. Type the abstract as a single paragraph in block format (i.e., without paragraph indentation). The abstract contains research topic, objectives, participants, methods, data analysis technique/s and key findings.

Write a list of keywords from your research paper at the end of abstract. Type Keywords: (italicized) and then list your keywords.

  1. ii.                     Introduction (1-3 pages)

 Introduction is level one heading of research paper.  The introduction of the topic will set the stage for explaining the research. It should clearly present the purpose of study and give general overview of main research question and kind of proposed study.  Introduction may include following level two headings:

Objectives of the Study/Research Questions/Hypothesis

Significance of the Study

Delimitations of the study (if any)

  1. iii.            Literature Review (4-7 pages)

The review of literature should generally begin on a new page.  Discuss the literature related to your proposed study.  This section is designed to inform readers about past studies that have already been conducted, and provides perspectives on your area of interest.  The review should include a brief discussion of any “classical studies” in this area, if appropriate, but the major portion of the content should focus on the past decade of research.  It should close with a logical summary of past research and transition to a statement about what should be studied next.  After you present what is already known, make your case for your research either answering a new question, getting a new answer to an old question, answering a question about a new population, etc. After you have made your case that your research is going to give new information, you will summarize the major points.  Remember that the Introduction discusses the problem.  The review of literature should concentrate on solutions (those that exist, those that are still required

  1. iv.            Research Methodology (1-3 pages)

Introduce the general methodology that was used for your study. You should ensure that your research methodology has been designed properly and that all the elements required have been considered.

Research Methodology may include following subheadings

Research Design


Sample and sampling Techniques


Data collection

  1. v.            Data Analysis and Interpretation

Mention the data analysis technique and interpret the data accordingly.

  1. vi.            Discussion and Conclusion

In this section discuss the findings of data in light of other studies.

  1. vii.      Recommendations

Give practical recommendations based on data analysis.

  1. viii.      References

Follow APA 6th Edition for referencing style.

General Document Guidelines are as follows:

  1. All text must be single spaced.
  2. The text is typed in font size 12, Times New Roman.
  3. Main headings are 12 bold, centered and subheading are having font of 12 bold at left.
  4. Use the page margin of 1 inch on all sides on A4 size paper
  5. Indent all paragraphs 5-7 spaces or .5".
  6. All pages are numbered in consecutive order using Arabic numerals. The page numbers should be centered in footer of the page.
  7. Justify the text (align on both sides your margins).
  8. Plagiarism check will be done of research paper and the allowed limit is less than 19%.  Self plagiarism is also not allowed.
  9. Charts, graphs, photographs, diagrams, etc., are called figures and should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals.  The figure caption is placed below the figure.
  10. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The number and title of the table are centered above the table. In the text, refer to tables by their number: e.g. as shown in Table 8, ………., do not write "the table above" (or below) or "the table on page 32," because the position and page number of a table cannot be determined until the pages are typeset.

بيان الخصوصية

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.