E-Leadership: Secondary School Heads and Contemporary Needs

  • Muhammad Najam Ul Kashif TheIslamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Qasim Ali UoL, Pakpattan Campus, Pakistan


Present century is encouraging heads and teachers for the use of technological devices and techniques for better teaching learning process. Secondary school heads are trying to get better their colleagues’ efficiency and work performance through e-leadership. The objective of the study was to explore the use of technological devices by heads for their administrative and academic needs. The researchers used systematic review approach to conduct the study. The study started with the organization of related articles for review, identifying the similar
researches and selecting relevant papers, extracting data, and finally, synthesizing the data to conclude the study. Researchers simplify the idea of e-leadership to understand through definitions given by different authors and researchers. Then, heads’ management skills are considered from traditional to electronic and digital era. The study found that internet is enabling other information communication technology innovations in education including blogging, electronic mail, conference calling, learning designs, MOOCs, use of social media. The study concluded that heads as well as employees have little understanding about the potential effects of technologies. It is also concluded that there is a dire need to develop training manuals about technology use for heads of secondary schools for the promotion of e-leadership trends at secondary level. The study may recommend that there may be conducted training sessions of advanced technological devices for enhancing head teachers' efficacy and

بیوگرافی نویسندگان

Muhammad Najam Ul Kashif, TheIslamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Assistant Professor
Muhammad Qasim Ali, UoL, Pakpattan Campus, Pakistan
Assistant Professor


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